Resources & Reports


A document produced using Preschool Development Grant Birth-5 funds to understand statewide priorities for South Carolina's young children and their families. 

A memo sent to all South Carolina districts giving guidance on adhering to the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) requirement with respect to preschool placements for young students with disabilities (SCDOE - SC Department of Education)  

A report of valid and reliable information on children’s learning and development across the essential domains of school readiness providing evidence of the technical qualities of the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment, including its reliability and validity for use as a measure of school readiness

The ABC Grow Healthy 5 Year Report is a five-year(2012-2017) review on improving nutrition and physical activity environment of ABC Quality child care centers in South Carolina. The nutrition and physical activity standards are to increase children's consumption of healthy foods and time spent being physically active while in child care. (DHEC - SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, in partnership with DSS - SC Department of Social Services) 

The Live Healthy South Carolina State Health Assessment is a comprehensive description of the health status of South Carolinians and will be used to inform health improvement plans at the state and community levels. It also serves as a resource for organizations that need access to health data. MATERNAL AND INFANT HEALTH REPORT & RESILIENT CHILDREN PRIORITY  (Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina )

The 2018-2023 South Carolina State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) provides a vision for continuous health improvement. It outlines priority areas and includes strategies to improve the health of all people in South Carolina. It is a tool for health care professionals, government agencies, community-based organizations, advocates, academicians, policy makers, and other stakeholders to use to catalyze action that will leverage resources and focus work towards measurable improvement. PLAN SUMMARY  (Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina)

A memorandum of understanding of how Head Start and special education for preschoolers will work together to strengthen the cooperative services offered to the state's children with disabilities, ages three through five (SCDOE - SC Department of Education) 

The South Carolina Early Childhood Workforce Survey 2018, funded by the SCDSS Division of Early Care and Education, is the largest, most comprehensive survey of the state’s early childhood workforce, representing feedback from over 4,000 practitioners across the state. The results of the study reports the voices from people in South Carolina working in a variety of child care, Head Start/ Early Head Start, and public 4-K programs, holding various positions, thus, providing valuable insights into South Carolina’s ECE workforce.

Goals and Developmental Indicators describing expectations for what children learn, starting with infancy and covering all ages through kindergarten entry

The National Child Care Staffing Study, released in 1989, brought national attention for the first time to poverty-level wages and high turnover among early childhood teaching staff, and to the adverse consequences for children of such staffing instability. In the succeeding 25 years, the national debate about the role of early care and education in children’s lives has shifted dramatically—above all, due to a recognition up to the highest levels of government that high-quality early learning boosts children’s school readiness, and constitutes a wise economic investment in the nation’s future.

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